WJA – Hydrodemolition (HD)

Minimum 6-hour session (Subject to Class Size and Qualifying Criteria)

For more information or to book with us

The WJA Hydrodemolition Water Jetting Module is a crucial minimum 6-hour session aimed at individuals operating hydrodemolition jetting equipment and those involved in cutting concrete with high pressure water and/or at ultra high pressures. Candidates must have completed the Safety Awareness course or recap for their WJA Card, with it being current to undertake this training – WJA Card validity is for 3 years. The course provides a comprehensive understanding of surface preparation through theoretical and practical assessments, emphasizing operational skills, equipment safety, and more.

The training involves a balanced approach, combining theory in a classroom environment with practical exercises using live water jetting equipment. It is open to new operational candidates, individuals refreshing their WJA card, managers, supervisors, site owners, permit issuers, and health and safety managers/officers. The course is designed to ensure compliance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, highlighting the need for comprehensive knowledge and understanding to operate water jetting equipment safely, including typical hazards, legal requirements, safety devices, competent teams, and health concerns.

The pressure WILL EXCEED 690 bar (10,000 psi) and candidates must be able to comfortably control the jetting accessories, this includes managing reaction force through manual handling. The training does NOT cover works that involves confined space entry into chambers, tanks, wet wells, or vessels. To carry out work in these conditions, operatives must have a recognised confined space entry course.

The comprehensive training covers various topics, including the Blue Code of Practice (Blue COP), hydrodemolition hazards, setup procedures, robotic systems, concrete removal, pressures and flows, nozzle types and selection, confined spaces, PPE & RPE, water jetting injuries, start-up and job completion processes, and practical assessments on hydrodemolition. Delegates completing the course will gain a deep understanding of hydrodemolition hazards, health and safety protocols, and the necessary actions to prevent water jetting injuries.

Pre-course requirements include being at least 18 years of age and having a good understanding of English. The course is designed for candidates seeking to renew their cards or new candidates wanting to add the Hydrodemolition module to their card.

Key Features

  • Facilitated Group discussions
  • Question and Answer sessions
  • Review of accidents in the industry
  • Use of personal knowledge within the training group which is facilitated by the instructor.

candidate outcomes

This course will equip delegates with the tools to:

  • Receive a copy of the WJA blue code of practice and review best practice contained within the code.
  • Understand the hazards involved when using surface preparation accessories.
  • Cleaning a surface by utilising safe use of a jetting gun.
  • Understand health and safety and the hierarchy of control when applied to a water jetting task.
  • Have knowledge of the potential injury that can be caused by a water jet / pressurised system failure.
  • Understand daily checks and identify hazards on equipment prior to start up.
  • Understand what makes a competent team when cleaning high pressure and ultra-high-pressure equipment.
  • Understanding how to prevent a water jetting injury and action taken as specified in the blue code of practice.
  • Understand what we need to do to leave the area safe & secure.